Certify Consulting - Online Fire Alarm Accreditation Consultancy Service
Helping fire alarm companies and sub-contractors gain their BAFE SP203-1 accreditation
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Helping fire alarm companies and sub-contractors gain their BAFE SP203-1 accreditation
We are here to help all fire alarm companies and sub-contractors gain their SP203-1.
New BAFE legislation states all sub-contractors working for BAFE certified organisations past 1st May 2024 will need to meet the full V8 criteria. We are here to help you gain your BAFE SP203-1 with our low cost online service.
Getting BAFE SP203-1 can be a daunting and expensive experience. We advise and offer full support on criteria needed to be met to ensure a smooth process. We provide forms, documents, policies and procedures all required for SP203-1. Our online service means our costs are low, which keeps your costs down!
All of our consultants have had first hand experience in gaining their own BAFE SP203-1. You may be speaking fire alarm business owners or industry leading experts in this chosen field. All of our consultants are vetted and checked that their expertise enables them to help you.
Other consultancy companies can charge a fortune and make you feel you haven't got much in return. Our step by step process and clear information ensures its an easy and understandable process. Our fee is fixed regardless the amount of support given.
We charge a flat fee of £599+VAT for BAFE SP203-1 consultancy. This fee is payable before our services are provided, and all support thereafter is included with no extra hidden costs. This fee does not include the fee payable to the third party body required to complete your BAFE registration.
How can I become Third-Party Certificated and BAFE Registered for the BAFE SP203-1 Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems Scheme?
Firstly you need to contact a third party body to register.
BSI (British Standards Institution), Independent European Certification Limited, NICEIC (Certsure), NSI (National Security Inspectorate), and SSAIB (Security Systems Alarm Inspection Board) are the UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies that are licensed by BAFE to deliver BAFE SP203-1 Scheme audits. Please contact the Certification Bodies directly to discuss the BAFE SP203-1 audit process, fees, and any other information required.
Once you have done this, contact us and we will send you all of the required documents, policies and procedures required. These documents are all required for the SP203-1 certification, along with useful documents and forms for running a fire alarm company.
Before you have your inspection due, we will check in to make sure all of the documents are filled in correctly in preparation for your inspection.
Since the release of V8 of the BAFE Fire Alarms Scheme document SP203-1, an update on Clause 15.4 was added to the BAFE website.
With the dust settling, our industry is now getting their collective heads around the implications for the many small installers who carry out installation projects for larger certified organisations.
Any existing and agreed contracts for Sub-Contracted installation works past the implementation date of 1st November 2023, can be completed under V7.2 of the Scheme requirements (i.e. competent installers) up until 1st May 2024. For any new projects starting after 1st May 2024, the requirements of V8 apply.
Clarification has been sought from BAFE over what elements certified organisations are allowed to sub-contract under clause 15.4 and it is (potentially) good news for the smaller installers (and NICEIC or NAPIT). This clause states that Electrical Installation work is permitted to be performed by an electrical contractor holding appropriate certification. BAFE confirmed that all works between the end of the Design stage and Commissioning are classed as Electrical Works i.e. 1st and 2nd fix. Good news. However, any Fire Alarm installers who wish to remain as Sub-Contractors, working for BAFE certified organisations past 1st May 2024 will need to meet the full V8 criteria.
They have options.
Either become BAFE Certified themselves, or become approved under the Certsure scheme for ECA contractors or Select Membership with “Accreditation to Technical Criteria” for “Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems in All Buildings”. So, join either NAPIT or the NICEIC.
1. Independent and unbiased assessment of competency
All BAFE Registered Organisations nationwide have been independently and regularly assessed by a UKAS accredited certification body to ensure they have achieved quality evidence of competency to deliver specific work.
2. Quality professionals providing confidence of service excellence
This independent assessment is completely voluntary, meaning an organisation's own time and money is used to demonstrate their commitment to quality, showing they are skilled professionals to help meet your requirements
3. What reason do you have for not choosing a third-party certificated provider?
Reduce the risk - There is now such a wide range of third-party certificated organisations that you can refine your choices without loss of competition. There are plenty of organisations available who claim third-party certification is not necessary, but who is assessing their competency?
4. Evidential Competency
As the person responsible for fire safety, you can see certificated evidence of your chosen organisation's competency. Your insurers will be interested in seeing this evidence, especially if you have to make a claim. Don't just specify, verify third-party certification. Request to see and check your chosen organisation's third-party certification/BAFE scheme registration certificate to check these are appropriate for the work required prior to work commencing on-site.
5. Confidence you have acted with due diligence
This certificated evidence demonstrates due diligence in sourcing a competent organisation to help meet your fire safety obligations
6. Regular assessments to ensure ongoing competency
BAFE registered organisations are assessed annually, meaning ongoing assessment of their competency with up to date relevant standards and best working practice.
7. Best representation of quality and service excellence
BAFE scheme criteria for third-party certification are monitored and reviewed regularly by BAFE scheme Monitoring Groups using industry experts to provide confidence that they are always at the leading edge of the fire safety industry. This means the BAFE schemes remain the most up to date representation of quality and competency for specific fire safety work
8. Monitored compliance
BAFE monitor registered organisations to ensure they continue to work to the required scheme criteria. If for any reason an organisation's competency falls into disrepute, this will be investigated and if confirmed, their BAFE registration will be suspended until rectified or terminated
9. Simple to source or verify competent organisations near you or nationwide
The BAFE Fire Safety Register is free to access, meaning no additional cost to public or procurement specialists to find or verify evidentially competent organisations for your fire safety requirements. Don't just specify, verify third-party certification, what is your excuse not to check?
10. Recommended by Government and Fire and Rescue Services across the UK
It is recommended by Government, from both GOV.UK and GOV.SCOT fire safety guidance, to use third-party certificated organisations for fire safety services as "an effective means of providing the fullest possible assurances, offering a level of quality, reliability and safety that non-certificated products [and services] may lack" (GOV.UK Fire Safety Guidance Documents). Multiple Fire and Rescue Services across England and Wales recommend this and is strongly encouraged by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service also stress that a competent person should be used "to enable them to implement the appropriate fire safety measures"